Saturday, April 19, 2014

Q Is For Quietly

Oops! In all the Easter chaos, I accidentally posted this on The Prosers website instead of here, where it belongs. My apologies to Karen, since it was her day for posting on The Prosers.

Today, Six Word Saturday Meets the A-Z Challenge:

Quietly, and without fanfare, we finished.

For the A-Z Challenge, participants blog every day in April except for Sundays, and each post corresponds to a letter of the alphabet. Today's letter is Q. For the challenge this year, my topic is LOVE, because it's my favorite topic ever.

For Six Word Saturday, we post 6 words that sum up a piece of our life each week. We can add pictures or explanations if we feel so inclined.

Sheena said she was done, and then wrote a whole other section. I thought I still had more to write and then realized I was wrong, and instead of saying The End, Sabrina started revising. And then, all of a sudden, we realized that the rough draft was done. Sheena ate an Oreo milkshake in celebration, as per the plan. But I'm holding off--an oreo milkshake on an already sugar-laden weekend doesn't even sound appealing. I'm not sure what Sabrina's plans are, but one thing is certain--that woman likes editing a lot more than she likes writing. Hurray! We're kicking Pyromancy to the next level.


  1. I never thought of combining the A to Z challenge and Six-Word-Saturday, both of which I am also taking part in...

    Thank you for your comments in my blog.
    Have a great week!
