Sunday, April 25, 2021

U is for Under the Knife

 The summer before my senior year of college, my friend Kara and I decided to stay in our college town. Cedar City, Utah hosts an incredible Shakespearean Festival during the summer, and they kick everyone out of our apartments to make room for the actors and actresses.

Luckily our apartment complex owned the house next door as well, and they let us stay there with 3 other girls. I remember that it seemed like our bedroom was slowly falling off of the rest of the house. There was a big crack that seemed to go around the entire front of the bedroom. 

Around the middle of the summer, I started dating a guy, let's call him Bill. I'm not going to say much about Bill, except to say that we had friends in common, which made dating him fun...and it also made the relationship seem more grown-up, if that makes sense. One day Bill noticed a lump deep in my right calf muscle. And that changed my life.

My parents came down, and we scheduled a biopsy on my leg. This was the first of...somewhere near a dozen surgeries I've had so far in my life, and it was the only one I was awake for. They injected me with a hefty dose of Valium, and then left me in a hallway somewhere for a while, and I remember just blissfully looking at the walls and convincing myself that what I really needed to do when they came to get me was to ask for more Valium, because it was the best I'd ever felt in my short life. 

They asked me if I minded Pink Floyd, and I was like, "Nope, that sounds amazing, dude." They played Pink Floyd really loud so I couldn't hear them talk while they operated. Toward the end of the surgery, Pink Floyd started to annoy me, and that's how I knew the Valium was going away. 

Then there is a blank space where I don't remember much, except the doctor telling me they were sending the biopsy somewhere, and they would let me know what it was, and then they put me in a hospital room with my parents.

I remember the nurse started to cry when the doctor came in to tell me it was cancer. She was still very professional, but it shook her up. I didn't cry. I was in shock. I think when you are 21, you just don't believe anything that awful could happen to you. 

And it wasn't THAT awful, but it was still plenty hard. The doctor explained that it was a rare form of cancer, and that he could have gone his whole surgical life without every seeing this kind. However, that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. It was a smooth muscle cancer that usually grows somewhere like your stomach and doesn't get found until it is out of control, but that it slow-growing, and the fact that we caught it so early was a miracle.

I had to drop out of school, but the apartment complex saved my spot for the next semester. I went home, and a lot of spiritual things happened that deserve their own blog post.

And what happened to Bill? He was leaving to attend a different college and was actually living only about half an hour from my home. I waited for him to come and see me, because he had a truck, so it wouldn't be long, right? This was pre-cell phones, so it wasn't like I was in touch with any of my other friends. I have a great family, but there is no denying that I was dreadfully lonely. 

Finally, Bill's grandma came by with flowers and a card from Bill. And then...absolutely nothing.

In the meantime, I had another surgery, where they cut out my calf muscle. I had to stretch out the tiny bit of muscle that was left and learn to walk again. My dad lost his job, and so I remember him walking around the block with me at a snail's pace, every single day. I started doing an internship at my mom's elementary school where I figured out that I wanted to be a special education teacher. The doctor cancelled the radiation and said that he thought the surgeries had gotten all the cancer. I went to the doctor and hung out with my sisters. These experiences absolutely changed the course of my life. By January I was back at SUU for my final semester.

There were a few more Bill stories, all of them dreadful, before he was completely out of my life. But mostly, I feel like he was dropped into my life to find the cancer before it got out of control. And I'm grateful that he did. But I'm even more grateful he's gone. Honestly, I think it was just unfortunate timing. He had just moved to a new city and was probably looking for an excuse to break up with me anyway. Doesn't excuse the execution. Having the grandma deliver flowers instead of telling me it was over was pretty cowardly.

And that is the real story about the scar on my leg. It isn't actually a shark bite.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

T is for Tournament

 Spring 2020... My son moves home from college because of the pandemic, so I've got 3 of my 4 children living at home again. We own so many board games, but no one ever wants to play them, so I devise a plan--the Game Tournament Bracket. I put most of our games into a competition bracket. The exceptions were games for only one or two people, like chess or cribbage. Here were the first competitions:

Clue Harry Potter vs. Parcheesi                        Scattergories vs. Uno

Yahtzee vs. Pandemic                                        Triominoes vs. Speak Out

Scrabble vs. Just One                                        Risk vs. Curses

Killer Bunnies vs. Tensies                                Bananagrams vs. the "Bee" game

Boggle vs. Catchphrase                                    Forbidden Island vs. Trivial Pursuit

Blokus vs. Slamwich                                        Exploding Kittens vs. Monopoly Deal

Telestrations vs. Things                                    Loot vs. Codename

Unusual Suspects vs. Decrypto                        Cribbage vs. Minigames

It worked! Almost everyone came to play (my youngest daughter didn't often join us, sadly). Strange things happened in this round. I had paired some of our favorite games together, and so some of the best games didn't advance, and I paired a couple of the games no one liked together, and so some unpopular games did advance. I bought Monopoly Deal because I knew we wouldn't make it through a whole game of Monopoly, and it quickly became a favorite. I never could convince anyone to sit through Things, and so it forfeited. Decrypto belongs to my older son's girlfriend, and it took the place of Spontuneous.

Round 2!:

Parcheesi vs. Uno                                                Yahtzee vs. Triominoes

Just One! vs. Risk                                                Tensies vs. the "Bee"  game

Catchphrase vs. Forbidden Island                        Blokus vs. Monopoly Deal

Telestrations vs. Codename                                Decrypto vs. minigames

Now really strange things began to happen. 

Everyone was annoyed that Risk had advanced, and they were sad that Loot hadn't made it, so we cut Risk and put Loot in its place (aren't you glad basketball brackets don't work like this!?). A similar thing happened with Catchphrase and Forbidden Island, because Blokus somehow won that one. It turns out that one of the key things my family likes in a game is that it is fast. Practically none of the longer lasting games made it through this cut:

Round 3: 

Parcheesi vs. Triominoes                                    Tensies vs. the "Bee"game

Blokus vs. Monopoly Deal                                Codename vs. Minigames

This was super surprising to me, because very few of my favorite games made it to this point. By this point, everyone was tired of games, and we took a very long break before finally making it to the next roung.

Round 4:

Triominoes vs. Tensies                                        Monopoly Deal vs. Codename

At this point, I couldn't get them back to play one more round 5 was made by voting without playing. 

Round 5: 

Triominoes vs. Codename

And the winner is:

Codename (we have the pictures version).

 It was a bit of a shallow victory though, since no one wanted to play it. Hahaha

On the other hand, my son got into Settlers of Catan, and we played that quite a bit for a while, before ultimately losing interest. We've played quite a bit of cribbage, and my youngest son is pretty obsessed with chess atm. My older son bought another game called Love Letters, and we play that every now and then. We borrowed Quirkle from my classroom, since we aren't allowed to play games during the pandemic, and that one is fun. And we always enjoy a good game of rummy. And darnit, if I was in charge of the world.

Bananagrams would have won, not been beat out in the first contest!

Bananagrams....winner in my heart. 


Thursday, April 22, 2021

S is for Snow College
When I graduated from high school, I decided to attend Snow College, in Ephraim, Utah. I cannot emphasize enough how small the town was, and how small the college was. My friend Kara and I lived in off-campus housing called Badger Hollow, and our other friends (Darn, I can't remember what the fake names I gave them were, so I am just going to call them M, J, and D) lived across the street.

It was a great place to practice adulthood. You had to go down some stairs  to get to our apartment, and when it rained, the whole walkway outside our apartment would flood, which was a lot of fun to play in but less fun when you had to wade through it to get to class. We often went over to M J, and D's apartment to hang out. It had a lot more space than ours, and Kara and I had a roommate who didn't like men much, and who was often at home, so we didn't bring many people back to our apartment that year. We all drove home on the weekends pretty frequently. We were unfortunately pretty insular right at first, and eventually started acting more like brothers and sisters than friends. Brothers and sisters who were annoyed that they always had to spend so much time together... but then kept doing it.

We took a really hard geography class together, and that is where I got to know a few of the people on the baseball team. D had a scholarship to play baseball, and a couple of his teammates were in the class. I didn't really know what the story was, or at least I don't remember anymore, but there was some sort of reticence between these two guys, who we will call Noah and Tyler, and D. 

One day, J's older brother and his friend came to visit them. I knew the friend from high school, but had never met the brother. We were all kind of in awe of them, I think. I didn't eat dinner with them, but Kara and I were there for the end of the evening, and that is when D & J decided that Kara and I ought to do the dishes. It was all a big, patriarchal joke, except it got kind of serious, and I remember being picked up and put near the sink. I hated that. I have a deep-seated hatred of people stronger than me winning arguments by virtue of their being stronger than me. But I also hate being angry in public, and I hate taking something seriously when other people think it is a joke, so I was almost shaking with rage and impotence. The evening ended with a bowlful of spaghetti being dumped on my head (just the pasta, not the sauce, thank goodness). 

These are good, good people, and I know I'm making them sound terrible. It was just stupid, and I think Kara even stayed to help clean up. But I left. I didn't go home. I just went walking. It was still light outside, and I walked around campus, which was an exceptionally safe place anyway, but I'd never done this before--gone off on my own, without telling them where I would be. This was before cell phones, so I was just gone.

Eventually, I ended up at the dorms, where a really loud party was going on. There had been never been a loud party at our apartments, so it felt like such a new experience. Noah and Tyler were there, and they were extremely interested to see me without everyone else. They thought it was great that I was so mad at M, J & D, wanted to know what my relationship with D was, flirted with me in a way that was obviously meant to get back to D (which is hilarious because D never had a thought about me in that way in his entire existence). I was there pretty late, and then I walked back home, where Kara was a wreck, worried about me. 

She wanted me to go right over to tell M,J & D I was home safe, but I was still too upset, so she went. The next day we had Geography, and when I got to class, I went and sat by Noah and Tyler, and they high-fived each other and trash talked D, and made me feel like a very valuable object for a few minutes. 

It wasn't until late that afternoon that J & D apologized, and here is the important part of the story...J was so impressed that I'd gone off and had this adventure without them that he nicknamed me Columbus, and 24 years later, I still feel a twinge of pride when I think about that nickname. This was the turning point, when we all realized we were getting in each other's way. We stayed friends, but I stopped using them as a reason not to get to know other people. And I took the nickname Columbus to heart. These were the days before we'd acknowledged the problematic parts of Columbus's history, so to me the name just meant Intrepid Explorer.

That, to the best of my recollection, is the way it happened. Time can be wibbly-wobbly stuff in this brain of mine though, so although all of that happened, it might not have been in that precise order. 

R is for Romantic

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Today's post is less like a story, and more like a snapshot. 

 I never would have guessed what an unromantic person I am. I love romcoms, and I even write books with romance in them. But irl I am just not that romantic. Especially compared to my husband, Roger (another R!). I think he would like me to be, but it just was not meant to be. 

One night, he set up one of our old cd players on the porch, got all dressed up, including a fedora hat, and then called me to our window so he could serenade me. Another time, he spent a winter day cleaning out the garage, and when evening came I realized he'd made us a dance floor. For our anniversary one year he made a treasure hunt with flowers near every clue. He often writes me notes just to make me smile. He takes me dancing a couple of times a month (except not lately, because of my dumb old knee). And he loves to bake...unfortunately, he mostly loves to bake things I'm allergic to, but he is always experimenting to find me foods I can eat.

This life we've made for ourselves is not a simple one. It would be so easy to go our separate ways and only see each other as we occasionally pass in the halls. Middle age is way different than I expected it to be. I'm grateful to be married to a romantic, and grateful that he accepts that I am not one. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Q is for Quarantine

 I got my 2nd covid shot yesterday, and I realized I don't feel very well right as I sat down to write this post. I don't have a great story to go along with a Q word, but there OUGHT to be a good story in this head of mine about being in quarantine. But since there isn't right now, let me tell you the story of my 2nd vaccine.

I was scheduled at Walmart at 7:20 a.m., but I got there 20 minutes early. It's a small operation, where they plan to vaccinate one person every 5 minutes, and there were 5 people ahead of me in line, so that seemed about right. The man giving the vaccines had just finished a person. Fast forward 45 minutes, and I was still in that line, and one more vaccine had been given. Finally I checked in, and stood waiting while the man giving the vaccines kept going back and forth from the little kiosk to inside the pharmacy. He seemed like he was writing a lot of things, and I was very confused about what was going on. 8:20, and none of the people who had been in line with me had gone yet, and everyone was calm about it. I was beginning to think the person giving the shots was actually the pharmacist and he was trying to do two jobs at the same time. I never found out for sure. 

Then a woman came out with a rolling cart and said, "If you haven't been vaccinated yet, follow me!" We followed her through Walmart and into a small room, and she said, "We can get this done a lot faster here." Then she called my name...although everyone in the room was supposed to be before me. I said something, but they were all like, "No, that's fine. You go." I think they just didn't want to slow down the sudden momentum. The woman didn't even have me wait to make sure I didn't have a reaction. She just said, "If you can shop or something for a few minutes before you go, that would be great. That way you can come back in here if you have a problem.

So I went back to the aisle where I'd stood while I was waiting in line. I'd found about 8 things I needed on that aisle alone. I didn't want to do much more shopping than that because I'm still on crutches from a hurt knee a few weeks ago. It's been about 30 hours now, and I'm only just starting to feel it. So I'm going to go take a nap.

Oh yeah, I need to tie this to quarantine--one step closer to this nightmare being over. Woo hoo!

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

P is for Paul and a long, complicated story

The summer after my freshman year of college, I worked at the gift shop in the lodge at Bryce Canyon National Park. It's about as remote a spot as you could get, and you get to work with a lot of interesting people. 

The story I'm about to tell requires some backstory that doesn't place teenage me in the best light, but it's still a story worth telling. Names and identifying characteristics of most of the people involved have been changed. 

The very day I moved to Bryce Canyon, I got myself mixed up with a manipulative man who we will call Scott. He was quite a bit older than me and was above me in the power structure. He was not only dating me, he was also dating another girl as well, and he managed to string us both along for most of the summer.  The memories are hazy, but he'd gone to some meetings for a couple of days, and I think he'd taken the other girl with him. One of his friends, Charlie, asked me out on a date, and I was both hurt and anxious to not seem hurt, so I said yes. There weren't a lot of places to go on a date at Bryce Canyon, so we were going to the Lodge's restaurant, where we would be seen by nearly everyone we knew. Kara and another guy were going to double with us. 

Then Scott came back, and explained in his silver-tongued way how he'd been railroaded to take that other girl with him, that he had used that opportunity to finally break up with her for once and for all. He understood why I'd said yes to a date with Charlie, but could we meet up afterwards to talk? He needed a chance to convince me that we could really be together.

All of that is simply backstory for the story I actually want to tell. The order of events is a little wonky in my head, and I know that Kara probably remembers it better than I do, so maybe someday I will ask her to clarify. Let's go back in time a few days--

Paul was a latecomer to the Bryce Canyon staff. He was in his 20s, and he wormed his way into the hearts of nearly everyone. And he liked me. There are a lot of retired people who spend their summers working in the national parks, and I worked with a lot of them at the gift shop. They adored him, and hated Scott. Paul was good with cars, and he helped them with their automotive needs. According to them, he wanted to ask me out, but he was afraid. Finally, my coworkers set us up on a date. He took me to Ruby's Inn, which was about 45 minutes away. He offered to help me buy a car, and talked about cars for a lot of the car ride. We wandered around the outdoor market for a while and then drove home. I wasn't interested in him, but he didn't seem to be overly interested in me either, no matter what my coworkers said. It felt very much like hanging out with a casual acquaintance, not like a date.  It was nice, but I didn't think anything else of it.

That had been a few days before my date with Charlie... He picked me up, we went to dinner. As we sat there in the restaurant, Scott walked in, came to the table, and sat down with us. At first he appeared very friendly, but slowly I realized that his good humor was a front for something more vicious. He started telling everyone at the table how popular I was, and he even asked our waiter (remember that this was a very small community, and I would definitely be seeing this person again soon) if he'd met me yet, and had he had the opportunity to date me yet, because there was a waiting list... Scott asked Charlie if he was aware that I had another date scheduled immediately after my date with him... and then he told his captive audience a story about how Scott and Charlie were at Charlie's apartment right before this date. There was a knock on the door, and when they opened it, Paul was standing there, asking if they had any Super Glue, because he had gone back to Ruby's Inn to buy some of the rocks I had liked there, and he was trying to turn them into a present for me. 

My face feels hot just thinking about that evening, and I have 22 years of separation from it. I had no coping skills for an event like that, so I just sat there, pretending I thought it was all funny and wishing the earth would swallow me up. 

Fast forward a few days...I arrived at the lodge, and Paul was sitting on the steps surrounded by a small bunch of people. He was coughing hard, and explained to me that he'd opened up a bottle of bleach, but it had been mixed with something else and when he opened it the fumes had burnt his lungs. An ambulance came and got him...

and that was the last time I ever saw Paul. He vanished, taking with him money from half a dozen retired people--money they'd lent him, money he'd taken so he could fix up their cars, money to buy them a car, money for our date... It seemed like everywhere I turned there was someone who had given him a significant wad of cash. I, with the rocks he bought me, was the only one who had gotten anything from him. After a while, it came out that he was MARRIED, and his wife had been living in the nearest town and that they were both wanted in several states.

This story really does make me laugh more often than it makes me unhappy, but it had some long lasting consequences for my psyche, as you might imagine.  But when I think about the fact that I drove through some of the loneliest places in the United States with that stranger, I count myself incredibly blessed that he was just a grifter. Be careful. 

Monday, April 19, 2021

O is for Organization

 I am a person who loves the idea of organization, and I try, I really, really do, but then there's an A-Z Challenge in April, or something equally important, and things get out of hand.

When we first got married, I checked a book out of the library called The Organization Map, and with its help I got SO organized. I could have made a How To video, our apartment was so organized. It never occurred to me that a one-room apartment with hardly any stuff would barely qualify as rung 1 on the Ladder of Difficult Spaces to Organize. A couple of years later we bought a house, and then we had two kids, and then we sold our house and moved across the country, and bought a bigger house...and suddenly I NEEDED that book back.

I'm old, so this was in the early days of the internet, and the book was out of print, so it wasn't that simple. I tried other books, but they just didn't speak to me the way The Organization Map did, so I tried to implement the things I remembered. One day, to my delight, amazon started a used book selling service. I IMMEDIATELY bought The Organization Map. 

I was outside playing with my kiddos when the mailman came by, and I ripped open the package and sat on my back porch steps reading it while my kids ran around. The copy was in fantastic shape. It could have been brand new, and it was just as good as I remembered. By this time I had a third child, and I might have been pregnant with my fourth. A neighbor came by with her two kids, and we talked, and eventually we all ended up back inside.

It rained that night, and the next morning, my husband brought my sopping wet copy of The Organization Map in from where he'd found it on my porch steps. I cooked it in my oven, flipping the pages every so often, and it dried pretty well, though it now looked like a thoroughly used book. It seems like there should be some sort of moral in that, yes? Every time I looked at the book, it reminded me of my organizational failure. And eventually, it also made me smile.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

N is for Nighttime

Last spring, my teenage daughter decided that what we really needed was sheep. She is a force to be reckoned with, so we got two lambs from a farm up north. 

We do not live on a farm...we live in a neighborhood, and I was certain we were going to have a lot of angry neighbors. To my surprise, we only had one angry neighbor, but one angry neighbor is enough, and we'd had the sheep in our backyard for less than 48 hours before an animal control guy came to our house in a police uniform telling us the sheep had to be gone by the end of the day...Roger asked for some extra time and we got the weekend.

There are several farms nearby, and Roger's plan was to go to each of them asking if we could lease some space to keep our sheep. He found a great place pretty quickly, and we moved them there before the deadline. It is a great farm. The people who own it actually live in New Jersey and luckily happened to be there when Roger came by. They use it for haying and on the weekends. Their property overlooks a stretch of river that boasts the most eagles east of the Mississippi while the alewives are running. Their overlook is comfortably furnished with patio furniture, and you can watch the sunset. It's really an amazing spot, and we really enjoyed their company.

The sheep were pretty fun, and we got all sorts of experiences that were new to me, like fence-building, and fence-moving, because the sheep ate so much more than we expected. One day Roger went over to spend some time with the sheep. The farmers were gone, which was expected, but the sheep were too, which was not. They had made a hole in the fence and escaped, and so our whole family, plus my son's girlfriend, gathered at the farm and started searching. It was night, and it had rained during the day, so we were soon soaked, but it was a beautiful night. I remember one word going through my head over and over: tics, tics, tics, tics TICS. I KNEW we were all going to get lyme disease, and I thought it was pretty uncool that such an otherwise gorgeous night could be ruined by something so small (and by the sheep being lost of course). 

As we got closer to the steep hillside that overlooked the stream, I had other things to worry about---like tumbling like Wesley and Buttercup down to the bottom of the hill in the pitch darkness. But none of that happened, and no sheep were found. It was a discouraging night in a beautiful place.

Roger got up early the next morning and continued his hunt, and the sheep were eventually found across the street not far away, happily grazing, not even realizing what huge trouble they were in. We had them slaughtered and ate them in punishment for their escape. (I am kidding, but the plan had always been to raise them for meat, so we did. It was the first time I had eaten an animal I knew. It was hard, but a very good learning experience).

It turns out I am not a fan of eating lamb. I am, however, a fan of the idea that someday we might own some lakefront property and keep some sheep grazing outside. There is something unimaginably peaceful about the sight. 

Friday, April 16, 2021

M is for Mike and Jason and Dave

Those three names go together in that order, with that number of ands between them. Any other combo would not mean the same people. (Actually, I decided to change the names, because I don't really know the etiquette for telling internet stories. But the initials are the same, so you get the idea...)

It all begins with a high school guidance counsellor, a beleaguered drama director, and a little class called Theater Design. My high school didn't have study halls, so in the absence of any other classes, my guidance counsellor suggested that Kara and I would love theater design.

Theater Design was held in the auditorium, and our purpose was to design the sets for the plays the drama department put on. The curriculum was sporadic at best. The class was filled with a group of people who actually enjoyed set building and it was also filled with a bunch of basketball and baseball players. And Kara and me.

Mike and Jason and Dave were baseball players, and they hadn't earned their name placement yet. At this point they were still just part of the larger group. We spent most of our time in the front of the back section of theater seats. Occasionally we were given jobs painting and drilling things on the stage, but that was just a distraction from the more important work of chatting. 

Kara was a huge believer in keeping busy, so she and I spent out of school time either walking or attending all these boys' games. When colleges were picked, Kara, Mike and Jason and Dave all picked a tiny little school I'd never heard of called Snow College. My dream of attending BYU suddenly seemed like a lonely one, so I followed them. 

Mike and Jason were in line to be valedictorians of our high school, at least until an A- in theater design crushed that dream. I was indignant on Mike's behalf (he was ahead of Jason GPA wise), but he didn't seem too bothered. 

I don't have a lot of fully formed memories of high school (except for the day my science teacher forgot to throw away the dissected frogs over a five day weekend. That next day is seared into my memory), but I remember so many things about Theater Design--Caleb hitting a golf ball that was being used as a prop up into the lights; Jason singing Penny Lane while he and I straightened the large dressing room; me awkwardly trying to join in a discussion of football that I didn't belong in; some guy whose name I don't recall at the moment hitting another girl with a 2x4 when she wanted to join our group and thought the best way to do it was to pretend to hit Kara with a 2x4; having to decide if I was going to go along with the crowd at ignoring that girl for the rest of the year... fun times. 

But there was one life-changing moment that happened to me in Theater Design. I was a pretty classic underachiever, and we were all sitting around, talking about our ACT scores, and I had done really well. My math score was significantly lower than my other scores, and I hadn't realized that it was still a decent score, until rather late in the conversation. The way I remember it, Jason turned to me and said, "You make me so mad." Honestly, I was stunned that I was important enough in his life to even cause an emotion, so I thought he was kidding at first. But he meant it. He said, "I work so hard to get good grades. You're so smart and you could do so many things, and you are just wasting it. You're better than this, Melanie. Do something with your brain." I believe Mike might have joined into the conversation and agreed with Jason, but it's honestly a bit of a blur after that. It took a while before that conversation bore fruit, but it did. 

Perhaps these three will turn up in later stories, because it wasn't the last time Jason said things that changed the course of my life. You'll have to come back to find out.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

K is for Kara

 If I'd started writing stories of my life with J, I would have been hard-pressed to choose. So many important people in my life have a first name that starts with J, including my first best friend, Janna. I think we became best friends in 4th grade, and it continued through middle school. But by high school, our friendship had kind of faded. I don't know why. I guess friendships do that sometimes. We've recently gotten back in touch with each other and now belong to the same book club. It's very nice.

I didn't really hang out with anybody my freshman year of high school, and I remember my mom telling me that she was praying that I would find a friend. So I think my mom prayed Kara into my life. She moved to Utah from Colorado, and she went to my high school and to my church, and she only lived a couple of streets from me. We met at church, and I hoped we would be friends, but I wasn't sure it was going to happen yet. 

My dad had season passes to BYU football, and he suggested I invite Kara to a game. I wanted to. I really did. But I had a HORROR about rejection--I have stories about the lengths I took to avoid it, but I did NOT want to call and invite Kara to that football game. My parents put their collective foot down. (My dad's a large man, and maybe that's why he did better at putting his foot down then I've ever done as a parent myself). I cried, and I raged, and I had a full-blown anxiety attack, but eventually I called and asked Kara to go to a football game with me and my dad.

The game was fun. We became best friends. We spent all our free time together. We went to college together, and then worked at Bryce Canyon together, and then went to ANOTHER college together. She came and lived with me while I worked on my master's degree. We lived together for six years, and then she got married, and our friendship faded. I don't know why. I guess friendships do that sometimes. It still makes me sad sometimes. 

L is for Loyalty

 I'm switching it up...I might be a writer, but I'm a terrible storyteller when it comes to true stories. One of my goals this year is to try to learn to tell stories from my life, so the rest of the A-Z challenge will do just that.

When I was in college, I was a deep-in-the-dark closet commitment-phobe. I was so deep in the dark that I didn't know it about myself until years later. As a result I tended to like men who were also commitment-shy. Before the time of this story, loyalty was pretty scarce on the ground. Even at the time this story begins, I was only kinda-sorta dating, while simultaneously never going on a date with, a guy who had a girl back home. Chad is a good guy, and this girl and I both knew about each other. It was as close to a real relationship as I knew how to get. 

I was a sophomore at Southern Utah University, and I lived on-campus at Manzanita Hall, top floor on the farthest building to the right. I'd met Chad playing pool at the student center. He lived at .... oh geez, I just had it a minute ago... anyway, my dorms had kitchens, but he lived at the other place, the one
where you eat on campus... and his Hall had a hot tub. One evening I was in the hot tub with Chad and several of his friends. I was the only girl in the hot tub, so of course a lot of people were paying attention to me, because I was the best looking girl in the hot tub.

I'm a Lydia Bennett sort of girl, so I was having a good time. At the other end of the hot tub was a good-looking guy I'd never seen before, talking with his friends. He kept looking over at me approvingly, and it was pleasantly flustering. If you are wondering how to get men interested in you, here's the trick: I don't know how to get the first one interested, but once you've got one, it's like a snowball rolling downhill, and pretty soon you've got more than you know what to do with. (at least 1990s men, perhaps men today are different). 

We made small talk, and it was strange, having Chad there, definitely acting boyfriend-like, but apparently not enough that anyone but me noticed, and to have this other guy's group merge in with our group for the sole purpose of flirting with me, and yet I was the only one who noticed. 

After I'd gotten out of the hot tub and geez, I don't remember for sure, but I'd like to think that I'd gotten some sort of covering on, I remember one of Chad's friends sweeping me off my feet like the finale of a dance number. Cameras may have been involved. That stands out in my memory, because this guy was large, and had never acted like that before, and because this other guy was still looking on approvingly. 

That night, I was sitting at the kitchen table telling this story to my roommates when the phone rang. It was hot tub guy, and he'd been interested enough to find out my name (we hadn't exchanged names) and my phone number. He asked me out on a date!

His name was Joe, and if I remember correctly, one of my roommates had once been interested in him, and he was not just good-looking, he was also extremely nice. Toward the end of the night we ended up on campus. I rode piggyback on his back and laughed as he ran down a grassy hill through some trees to a fountain...(this fountain seems to only exist in this one memory, which leads me to wonder if I've somehow made it up, but oh well, that's how the memory goes). Eventually we tumbled to the ground and rolled, until he could look down at me. He stopped laughing, and moved his face toward mine...

and I turned away, and persisted in turning away long enough to tell him I liked Chad, and even though we weren't exclusive, it felt like maybe we should be. And he stood up, brushed off his clothes, and marched me back home. I tried to say that maybe if we got to know each other better I would feel differently, but nope. That was the end. It had seemed too good to be true because it was. 

I was no stranger to people who were only interested in short term romance, but I'd finally met the Wickham to my Lydia, and it hurt, because it was staged to seem so perfect. I don't regret it though. It was my first foray into Loyalty; my first step toward being an adult that could sustain a forever marriage. I still had a long way to go, but I was on my way. 

Saturday, April 10, 2021

J is for Jane Austen

Of course.

In Winter 2020 I started a Facebook group called Winter of Austen. We read all of Jane Austen from January through March, and until the pandemic hit those of us who lived close enough to each other got together to watch the movies. Going with them to see the 2020 Emma was one of the last things I did before we all started staying indoors. It was a happy time. 

In 2021 the Winter of Austen group decided to have the Winter of Brontë, but it didn't go as well. I made it through Jane Eyre and Villette before needing to take a break that is still on-going. I found myself so depressed while reading Charlotte Brontë. It was a slog for me. I know many people love her, but I'll stick with my Jane.

Jane Austen quotes:

“You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope...I have loved none but you.” (Persuasion)

Alright, I guess just one Jane Austen quote. I suddenly realize I've got a movie to watch...

I is for The Inheritance Games

I read The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes in 2020. That makes it one of the more recently read books on this list. I read The Fixer and enjoyed it so much I quickly devoured The Long Game and then saw this one at Barnes and Noble and had to get it. I like the tropes in The Fixer series better, but this I enjoyed this one too, and it is more popular. She ended up not finishing The Fixer series because it didn't get enough readers, but the next book in this series comes out in 2021.

Quote: (the first paragraph)

"When I was a kid, my mom constantly invented games. The Quiet Game. The Who Can Make Their Cookie Last Longer? Game. A perennial favorite. The Marshmallow Game involved eating marshmallows while wearing puffy Goodwill jackets indoors, to avoid turning on the heat. The Flashlight Game was the game we played when the electricity went out. We never walked anywhere--we raced. The floor was nearly always lava. The primary purpose of pillows was building forts."


H is for Howl's Moving Castle

I had such a hard time finding something for D. Now I'm shaking my head, because Howl's Moving Castle is by Diana Wynne-Jones. On the other hand, it is certainly making today easy, because Howl's Moving Castle is one of my top 10 favorite books.

Howl is one of my favorite characters ever created. I don't think I would want to date him or, I think I would very much enjoy BEING him. I think the thing I love the most about him is the way he notices and admires the immenseness of Sophie's personality way before she knows it about herself. He teases her about it so much she is bound to see it in herself eventually.

Top 5 Howl quotes:

1. “I make that four horses and ten men just to get rid of one old woman. What did you do to the King?”

2. “Howl backed into the door to shut it and leaned there in a tragic attitude. "Look at you all!" he said. "Ruin stares me in the face. I slave all day for you. And not one of you, even Calcifer, can spare time to say hello!"

Calcifer said, "I never do say hello."

"Is something wrong?" asked Sophie.

"That's better," Howl said. "Some of you are pretending to notice me at last. Yes, something is wrong.”

3. “You are a terror, aren't you? Leave this yard alone. I know just where everything is in it, and I won't be able to find the things I need for my transport spells if you tidy them up.'
So there was probably a bundle of souls or a box of chewed hearts somewhere out here, Sophie thought. She felt really thwarted. ‘Tidying up is what I’m here for!’ she shouted at Howl.
‘Then you must think of a new meaning for your life,’ Howl said.”
4.  “Really, these wizards! You'd think no one had ever had a cold before! 
Well, what is it?" she asked, hobbling through the bedroom door onto the filthy carpet. 
"I'm dying of boredom," Howl said pathetically. "Or maybe just dying.”

5. “More about Howl? Sophie thought desperately. I have to blacken his name! Her mind was such a blank that for a second it actually seemed to her that Howl had no faults at all. How stupid! 'Well, he's fickle, careless, selfish, and hysterical,' she said. 'Half the time I think he doesn't care what happens to anyone as long as he's alright--but then I find out how awfully kind he's been to someone. Then I think he's kind just when it suits him--only then I find out he undercharges poor people. I don't know, Your Majesty. He's a mess.”

Friday, April 9, 2021

G is for Goose Girl and Girl of Fire and Thorns

 ...and Grave Mercy. A lot of great G books. 

But mostly Goose Girl. It's the kind of book that makes you smile the whole time you're searching for quotes, even while a tear drips down your cheek.

Goose Girl

Because of romance:

“Geric," she called.
He turned back around.
"What kind of flowers were they?"
"I don't rightly know," he said. He made faltering gestures with his hands, forming their size and shape from the air. "They were yellow, and smallish, and had lots of petals."
"Thank you," she said. "They were beautiful.”

 And friendship: 

"When you get tired of worrying and mourning your horse and trying not to be afraid, tell me and I'll do it for you a while so you can shut your eyes and sleep peaceful.”

Girl of Fire and Thorns

“I knew someday you would realize your worth. Your worthiness.'
I shake my head. 'Oh Ximena, he was right to choose me but not becuase of my worth...You, Cosme, Hector...were already willing to be heroes. But I would have done nothing, become nothing, were it not for this thing inside me. So you see, God picked me becuase I was unworthy.”

Grave Mercy

“It is this kindness of his that unsettles me most. I can dodge a blow or block a knife. I am impervious to poison and know a dozen ways to escape a chokehold or garrote wire. But kindness? I do not know how to defend against that.”

G is also for "Gee, this is hard!" I am really struggling to get all the letters finished, and I've never had such a hard time with visiting other people's blogs on this challenge. One problem I'm finding, that I've never noticed before, is that I've gone to several blogs on the master list, only to find that they are not actually doing the A-Z challenge, at least not that I can see. It's really made it hard for me to visit as many blogs as I've wanted to. See you tomorrow! 

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

F is for John Flanagan


F is for John Flanagan, who wrote The Ranger's Apprentice series and a couple of spin-off series, including The Brotherband Chronicles, and this gem of a book, here. I LOVE a book about a community of people taking care of each other, and that is the entire premise of The Outcasts. I love these boys, who are joined by one adult (and eventually by one girl). 

I mentioned a few posts back how much I love a good swashbuckler. There is something about a book set on a ship...

Here is a quote from The Outcasts: 

"The sun was shining. The sea was calm. There was a steady wind,  and Ulf and Wulf were bickering. All in all, you couldn't ask for much more." 

D and E

 I spent so long trying to come up with a book/author for D that here we are on F...

So if you have a book you think I ought to read that is tangentially related to the letter D, let me know in the comments. 

Letter E is one of my more controversial books, and I don't know if I have time to do it justice right now. It is Ender's Game--a book that is woven through the tapestry of my life, until it met up with Harry Potter, and they wound their way together. And now, both Orson Scott Card and JK Rowling are in the news for saying things that have been called hateful. 

I've avoided reading what they've said, exactly. It's strange, because I grew up as an incredibly sheltered child of the 80s, and Orson Scott Card was the first writer who ever brought LBGQ people out of the shadows and into the light for me. I'm so sorry if he's said anything that has hurt you. It is also true that when I look back at my growth as a person, he is one of those signposts way back in the beginning that showed me how to be an ally. JK Rowling too. 

This is not meant to be a defense of either author. It is just meant to explain that I have not given up on them yet. Here's my quote from Ender's Game: 

“I think it's impossible to really understand somebody, what they want, what they believe, and not love them the way they love themselves.”

"Remember, the enemies' gate is down."


Saturday, April 3, 2021

B is for Sheena Boekweg

 I met Sheena a long time ago, in the Hatrack community of writers. Such happy memories, and so many friends were made in that online community. One day, Sheena, Sabrina West and I decided to write a book together. It was so much fun. We each created one character--I created Ana, Sheena created Sam, and Sabrina created Juliet. We did some initial world-building, and then one of us...was it me? I feel like it was me, but I don't remember!...wrote chapter one. Then I mailed it (!) to Sabrina, and she wrote chapter 2, and then mailed both my chapter and her chapter to Sheena, who wrote chapter 3 and then mailed chapters 2 and 3 back to me. We wrote the whole book that way, and then had a ridiculous amount of editing to do. For book 2, we moved to google docs, and got tangled in a lot of OPINIONS, but I am super proud of the way both of those books turned out. You can find them on amazon.

Alchemy is free on kindle, btw.

Oh wow. Prophecy of the Six is too! No wonder we haven't been making much money on them lately...

Sheena went on to become a published writer. She wrote
Glitch Kingdom,
a book about a videogame gone awry, and her newest book, A Sisterhood of Secret Ambitions will be released on June 1. I got to be one of the beta readers, and let me tell you, it is amazing! It's the story of a secret society of women who both protect the weak and decide the fate of the United States of America. It's set in an alternate 1920s, and it follows a girl whose job it is to marry the man the secret society has chosen to become president of the United States. It is a sweet feminist marvel.

As for the quotes...I don't have a copy of the book yet, so I will give you the first line from Alchemy, which, as it happens, was written by Sheena (this means I DID NOT write the first chapter. Perhaps I did in the first draft, or perhaps my memory is completely failing me).

Sam's first line in Alchemy: "I always told everyone I wanted to be a mage when I grew up. Which is, apparently, how irony looks when it wears my clothes...I didn't think it would hurt to get infected with magic. I didn't think of the consequences...All I could see was the power. I never saw the fear." 

C is for City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

 I had SUCH a hard time finding a book for B, but dozens of choices for C. I'm not sure if City of Bones won out because of the alliteration of City and Cassandra Clare, or if it really is the best of the pack. 

I could just sit and quote for hours at a time? For me Ghostbusters is that movie, Psych is that TV show and City of Bones is that book. 

I could just make this blog post ridiculously long and quote them all, but I'm afraid at some point copyright would come into here are my top 10 favorite quotes:

1.“Clary grinned. "A picnic? It's a little late for Central Park, don't you think? It's full of-"

He waved a hand. "Faeries. I know."
"I was going to say muggers," said Clary. "Though I pity the mugger who goes after you."
"That is a wise attitude, and I commend you for it," said Jace, looking gratified.”

2. “It means 'Shadowhunters: Looking Better in Black Than the Widows of our Enemies Since 1234'.”

3. “Can I help you with something?"
Clary turned instant traitor against her gender. "Those girls on the other side of the car are staring at you."
Jace assumed an air of mellow gratification. "Of course they are," he said, "I am stunningly attractive.”

4. “It wouldn't be my move," Jace agreed. "First the candy and flowers, then the apology letters, then the ravenous demon hordes. In that order.”

5.  “Magnus, standing by the door, snapped his fingers impatiently. "Move it along, teenagers. The only person who gets to canoodle in my bedroom is my magnificent self."
"Canoodle?" repeated Clary, never having heard the word before.
"Magnificent?" repeated Jace, who was just being nasty. Magnus growled. The growl sounded like "Get out.”

6. “I have a high pain threshold. In fact, it's more of a large and tastefully decorated foyer than a threshold. But I do get easily bored.”

7. "Oh, it's big enough," he said patronizingly, "but somehow I was expecting something… you know." He gestured with his hands, indicating something roughly the size of a house cat.
"It's the Mortal Cup, Jace, not the Mortal Toilet Bowl," said Isabelle.”

8. “Sorry, are you telling me that your demon-slaying buddies need to be driven to their next assignment with the forces of darkness by my mom?”

9. “It's a coffee cup."
She could hear the irritation in her own voice. "I know it's a coffee cup."
"I can't wait till you draw something really complicated, like the Brooklyn Bridge or a lobster. You'll probably send me a singing telegram.”

10. “This is bad," said Jace.
"You said that before."
"It seemed worth repeating.”

I could have done that all day... Enjoy! 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

A is for Avi

 A-Z Challenge 2021

I haven't even signed up for this challenge yet, but I think I'm going to go for it.

My theme is Favorite Lines in Books...I was going to have it be Famous First Lines, but I don't think I want to tie myself down to just the first line.

April 1: A is for Avi

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, to be specific. Before there was Pirates of the Caribbean, there was this book. I've always loved books set on the ocean, and Charlotte Doyle is the ultimate power woman.

It starts like this, "Not every thirteen-year old girl is accused of murder, brought to trial, and found guilty. But I was just such a girl, and my story is worth relating..."

Articulate, ageless, and amazing, am I right? Possibly even addicting. This is a YA book, which is my favorite kind.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Updating the Blog

For quite a long time, I've been considering creating a website, but then I remember how hard I find it to keep this blog I'm compromising with myself. I am going to treat this blog with the same attention I think I would give a website, and we will see where it goes. I've modernized my blog background a bit. It's still a work in progress, but I like it.

My goals for a website are still more eclectic than they ought to be, but here they are:

1. I would like to start publishing my fiction writing in a serialized format. 

2. I would like to do some non-fiction writing, specifically relating to lesson plans and the education of twice-exceptional students and to parenting challenging, but lovely teenagers and young adults. 

3. I would like to review things that I love, specifically podcasts and books.

4. I would like a place to talk about food allergies and other health related things.  

5. I'd like to practice telling stories about my own life.

6. I would like to create a supportive community.

7. I would like a place for random ideas.

Although I know that is going in too many directions for a successful website, I don't see why I've got to follow those rules, when I'm not really super interested in success. I'm more interested in the process, and creating things that make sense of that snowglobe of a brain of mine. The only reasons I have for putting things online at all are that, for reasons I don't fully understand, putting things online is motivating to me, and for that one-in-a-million chance that this will help me in my quest for communities built around things that are important to me.